Epoxies   |   Liquids   |   Powders   |   TOP-CAST®   |   Repair   |   And More!

Discover the applications and uses for some of the products in our Chemical portfolio during these 30-minute Training Tuesday webinars below. Learn how well our chemicals can work alongside our Forming and Accessories product lines.

Interested in furthering your training beyond these Training Tuesday solutions? Contact us at [email protected].

Register for the next TRAINING TUESDAY!
Join us each week for a live, 30-minute webinar on concrete construction industry topics.



Chemical Epoxies

Epoxy Injection Resin

Have cracked concrete? We can help!
This training webinar discusses epoxy injection techniques for concrete repair. Your trainer will discuss how to analyze the crack and the best technique and product(s) for fixing. Additionally, they will review how to prepare your surface prior to repairing and how to port and cap set with the injection process. 

Intro to Epoxy Use

Anchoring Epoxies

Intro to Polymer Floor Coatings

Chemical Liquids

Superior Wall Finish

Cures and Curing & Sealing

Intro to Bond Breaker

What are bond breakers, and how do they work? This webinar walks you through just that and explains industry standards, tips, and trends when using bond breakers on your tilt-up job.

Densifiers 101

Water Repellents 101

Form Release

Chemical Powders

Intro to Grouts

Self Leveling Underlayments & Toppings

Let's talk Underlayments & Toppings! This training focuses on getting to know their unique properties, with examples of each type of floor leveler and the best application methods. Learn how Dayton Superior can contribute to your success.

TOP-CAST® Decorative Finish System

The Complete Top-Cast® System

Top-Cast® Overview

The Benefits of Top-Cast® Applications

Top-Cast® Residential Applications

Who doesn't want great-looking patios, walkways, pool areas, and more? During this webinar, you'll review the many applications of Top-Cast® for residential purposes. But how does it work? This webinar will take you through the understanding of what surface retarders are and how you achieve beautifully designed, protected, and sealed exposed aggregate surfaces consistently each time.

Top-Cast® Tricks of the Trade

Explore the functionalities of the Top-Cast® Decorative Finish System in this training that offers a brief review of the products and delves deeper into practical application tips. Key topics include pre-project planning, successful application and removal techniques, and solutions to common challenges encountered on the job. If you're not yet familiar with Top-Cast, please review the Top-Cast® Overview Training Tuesday before heading into this webinar.

Chemical Repair & Restoration

Vertical Overhead Concrete Repair

Learn about vertical overhead repairs in this webinar, including methods, applications, surface preparation, mixing, and placing of the product. You'll also acquire essential industry knowledge and best practices.

Horizontal Repair Mortars

We've got you covered when it comes to cracks. But how and what do you use?
This webinar reviews the best practice investigation techniques to get to the root cause of the problem to help solve and prevent. It discusses what repair mortars are and how to mix, use and apply them. Industry recommendations from the American Concrete Institute, ACI, as well as the resources that are available are also discussed.

Dayton Superior Repair & Restoration

Casica® Repair & Restoration

Related Trainings

Winter Concrete Practices

This webinar teaches essential practices when working with concrete in colder weather that can affect concrete construction globally, not just in snowy areas. This training reviews key practices for cold-weather concrete work, discusses challenges you may face, and provides solutions to help you stay prepared. Don't let cold weather ruin your concrete projects.

Intro to Type1L

Ever heard of Type1L Cement? Listen in on this brief introduction to explore what it is, compare it to other blended cements, reasons it is used, potential challenges, and effective solutions to tackle them.

Type1L & Tilt-Up Chemicals

Let's talk Type 1L, shall we? Without going into crazy molecular structures, our presenter relays what you need to know or consider when using Type 1L with chemicals in your tilt-up slabs. You'll gain insights into the role of tilt-up chemicals in construction when using Type 1L cement along with their impacts, challenges, and interactions in various projects.

Related Resources

Understanding Chemical Data Sheets

LEED & LVOC Chemicals

Build America, Buy America

Dayton Superior is dedicated to providing resources and guidance on adhering to the Build America, Buy America (BABA) guidelines, ensuring that you can easily access approved products for your projects.

Tune in to this webinar to gain a better understanding of the federal requirements and discover the latest information on our Build America, Buy America landing page, rich with resources. An interactive map is available to guide you in choosing BABA and DOT-approved product selections fitting your specific location and project needs.

Related Resources

Let's Talk Training

Discover a world of training types, styles, and locations with experts from Dayton Superior and Symons at your disposal. We're thrilled to support our products by teaching you how to use and apply them safely. Watch now to find out more.

Related Resources

  • To request a training, click or scan the QR code below or email us at [email protected].
  • Training Requests_Standard web QR code

Interested in other topics? Click below to find more.

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wall forming web image2
precast web image 3
tiltup web image 2
bridge deck web image2
Symons web image
splicing web image 2
and more web image



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