The construction of a six story tilt-up office building on a 4 acre site in The Woodlands, located just outside of Houston, was planned as a Class A tilt-up project. A Class A building requires the highest quality of construction built in a premium location with outstanding accessibility. This type of office building has significant architectural features made from the finest quality systems and materials. To keep Class A tilt-up construction projects within budget, contractors turn to Dayton Superior for tilt-up products and technical support.

The biggest challenge of building the Sierra Pines tilt-up office building was the unusually compressed planning time frame. When Dayton Superior experts Dave Fillinger and Don Van Gerve met with Construction Materials’ Tony Cook and Jonathan Winkles at the TCA Convention to discuss ways to incorporate more savings in the project, they had only a few days to show him what types of products were available to complete this project. This process typically takes place over a couple of weeks, but Construction Materials was anxious to switch from the existing plans to realize significant savings with Accubrace.

Details of the project added other challenges, including the unusually high percentage of open spaces on the panels for windows which had the potential to restrict brace insert locations, and the stacking of 2-story panels on top of 4-story panels to create a 6-story building.

Dayton Superior’s teamwork and dedication played a huge role in making this fast-paced project successful. At the time of the meetings, Technical Service lead time was normally 2 to 3 weeks for creating tilt-up plans. But for this project, they were able to coordinate with Tilt Werks and the customer to get drawings submitted in just a few days. Included in the support documentation were 3D drawings that were heralded by the tilt-up contractor as invaluable additions to the usual panel book.
Having the right people in the right place at the right time providing the right documentation not only helped the project start on schedule, but also saved significant time and money. Brad Mitchell, Sierra Pines Superintendent remarked, “If it wasn’t for the Dayton Superior Helical Ground Anchors, it would have taken twice as long.”
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