TOP-CAST® SS 100 Site Saver

Chemicals | Liquids | Surface Retarders


TOP-CAST SS 100 Site Saver is an innovative surface protectant designed to keep splatter, color, cementitious toppings, cures and retarder overspray from adhering to the surfaces surrounding a concrete placing and finishing operation. It replaces the need for costly plastic barriers, which otherwise need to be taped in place while being compatible with many surfaces including but certainly not limited to masonry, stone and concrete.

Suitable for Commercial and Residential Applications

To understand more about the 

Top-Cast SS 100 Site Saver - CLICK HERE for the "Demonstration Video"

Top-Cast SS 100 Site Saver is part of the TOP-CAST® Decorative Finish System that is designed to make the Top-Cast application easier while providing various levels of protection with a range of glossy finishes. 

Products in the Top-Cast Decorative Finish System include:

WATCH NOW! TOP-CAST Decorative Finish System "Instructional Video" - CLICK HERE.

TOP-CAST® is a trademark of GCP Applied Technologies.

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  • Protects surfaces from overspray or splatters
  • Easier to use than plastic coverings
  • Easy to remove
  • Water clean-up
When applied to the face of brick or tile prior to being placed in the form, Top-Cast SS 100 Site Saver will eliminate the adherence of grout or concrete, which may leak through the joints during placement and vibration. Top-Cast SS 100 Site Saver is water-soluble and should be applied the same day of placement for best results. It is easily removed when the general washing of the concrete surface begins normally the next day. If the removal processes on the following day does not include power washing or scouring with a buffing pad and applying pressure water, the protected area must be washed clean in 24–36 hours to prevent the splatter from adhering.

TOP-CAST® Decorative Surface Retarder

Chemicals | Liquids | Surface Retarders

TOP-CAST® CS 400 Cure and Seal

Chemicals | Liquids | Surface Retarders

TOP-CAST® EX 200 Wash-Off Extender

Chemicals | Liquids | Surface Retarders

TOP-CAST® PR 300 Penetrating Protector

Chemicals | Liquids | Surface Retarders

TOP-CAST® HG 500 High Gloss Sealer

Chemicals | Liquids | Sealers

TOP-CAST® Decorative Finish System

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