What began as a casual conversation at a trade show, about the value of Max-A-Form in precast operations, ultimately ended with a rental of $140K of Max-A-Form and Symons Soldier.

What sparked that conversation was an explanation of why Symons would have a Max-A-Form display at the Manufactured Concrete Products Exposition. Among the curious was John Danforth, Account Manager with CMC Construction Services in Denver, a Symons Distributor. As with most visitors, his reaction was, “Why show a bridge form at a precast show?”.

In reality, this was the third consecutive MCPX trade show with this particular Symons display. The goal was to deliver a message to the precast industry that Max-AForm and even Symons Soldier have plenty of untapped potential for the precast industry.

A few weeks after the show, John Danforth was asked by Flatiron Constructors of Denver to quote some casting beds for their operation. John called Symons with a request for pricing on custom casting beds. After reviewing the project, it was apparent this precaster would need a number of different casting tables. There were 2400 panels to be cast… 8' W x 4" thick up to 20' long. Additionally, the panels needed aesthetic treatments which required that the height of the tables be adjustable within a determined range.

Symons provided the pricing for custom tables, which a purchase only option, but also gave comparison pricing using Max-AForm and Symons Soldier with the option for the customer to rent or purchase this standard equipment. The rental option was particularly appealing, because the project had specified time and delivery restrictions.

Used equipment was acceptable because the customer planned to use a self-leveling material on the face of the Max-A-Form panels to ensure optimum flatness. The customer settled on a mix of 8' x 12' and 8' x 2' panels to create the desired table configurations.

The 4" thick concrete panels are poured after 8" square ceramic tiles are placed in a special form liner. These diverse stages of treatment on a sloping casting slab required the table heights to be ergonomically level, and Symons Soldier with the Symons Soldier Shore Jack were the perfect choices for the adjustable table support.

Although Max-A-Form is generally considered a “bridge” form, its application in other forming operations should never be overlooked, especially in the precast industry. Precasters are attracted not only to the attributes of Max-A-Form and Symons Soldier equipment, but they also appreciate the option to rent them as needed.

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