Ampac Development, a new concrete construction division of Bosscon Inc., was planning the construction of the elevated slabs at Beverly Place, a commercial, office and residential development in the heart of West Hollywood. The total floor plan is thirty five thousand square feet with two levels of parking below grade.

Ampac had only completed one concrete structure prior to tackling Beverly Place, so their knowledge of forming and shoring was minimal. They had used conventional frames on their previous project and originally were very reluctant to try another shoring system considering how unfamiliar they were to the industry as a whole.

In meetings with the Ampac owners, Symons demonstrated the key advantages of DeckFast. With only two components, a panel and post shore, DeckFast is easy to set up.

With delivery of the first shipment, Symons Account Managers Keith Blythe and Casey Stentz were on the site to educate the crew on the safe, efficient method to install DeckFast. Edward Kim, owner and President of Ampac, was on site with a small entourage to examine this foreign system and its promised productivity. With a five man crew, they were able to accomplish three thousand and two hundred square feet, at a height of twelve feet, in four hours that translated into one hundred and sixty square feet per manhour, leaving Mr. Kim and his team satisfied and smiling.
Ampac recognized the DeckFast advantage, adapted quickly to DeckFast and has gotten even faster with experience. Superintendent Michael Perry stated “DeckFast made my schedule,” proving that DeckFast is the worlds most superior panelized shoring system.
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