To improve public transportation between Montreal and the area across the Riviere des Prairies, and to provide a convenient route for cars and trucks to bypass the bustling city, the Quebec Ministry of Transportation commissioned Kiewit and Parsons to design and build an extension to A-25, including a 1.2 kilometer (¾ mile) bridge to Laval. It is a milestone partnership because it is the first public-private partnership in the Canadian transportation market.
The eye-catching toll bridge carries six lanes of traffic, including two lanes for public transportation vehicles, plus a pedestrian path. The highway and bridge design features prominent concrete supports, precast elements and a concrete road bed. With 12 spans, the cable-stayed sections with welded girder approaches also incorporate an enormous amount of steel — there is nearly 6,000 metric tons of rebar alone!

Francois Racicot, Regional Sales Manager for the Montreal area, worked closely with the contractors and with the rebar manufacturer, AGF Steel, to provide Dayton Superior and Symons concrete construction products throughout the project!

Equipment used in this important bridge and roadway construction project include:

  • Bar-Lock®
  • Taper-Lock®
  • Precast inserts
  • Coil hardware
  • Circular Column Form
  • Logo forms
  • and more!
The long anticipated construction began early in 2008, and the bridge opened in 2011. Owner Concession Autoroute 25, S.E.C. was pleased with the construction progress and results.
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