P9 - Precast Sandwich Panel Tie


The Dayton Superior P9 Precast Sandwich Panel Tie is manufactured to specifications from 3 gauge (0.243" diameter) stainless steel or galvanized wire. Place the connectors at the edge of the foam insulation so the body of the tie is at the joint line between two pieces of foam. Next, the ends of the tie are rotated 90° so they bear against the foam insulation. Spacing of the panel connectors are per job requirements. After the panel ties have been attached to the foam insulation, they are placed on the freshly placed bottom wythe of concrete. Later, the top wythe of concrete is placed.

The P9 Precast (Sandwich) Panel Connector is also available to be made to order. Please call for lead timing, pricing, and availability. 
Product Code Description {{vm.msrpHeading}} {{vm.userPriceHeading}} Sold In Quantity
51071 5" GALV. WIRE - GALV. WIRE; SOLD IN 300 PARTS PER CARTON Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('51071') | currency }}
Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('51071') | currency }} / EACH Log In Call for price {{ vm.getUserPrice('51071') | currency:"$":3 }} 1 each increments
51086 7" GALV. WIRE - GALV. WIRE; SOLD IN 300 PARTS PER CARTON Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('51086') | currency }}
Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('51086') | currency }} / EACH Log In Call for price {{ vm.getUserPrice('51086') | currency:"$":3 }} 1 each increments

The chart, below, lists the sizes of panel ties produced in the past for various precasters. Other sizes can be produced on special order.

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