P54 - Swift Lift® Throw-Away Recess Plug


The Dayton Superior P54 Recess Plug is fabricated from high-density polyethylene plastic in three different sizes: 2-Ton, 4 Ton, and 8 Ton, this is to help accommodate the P52 Swift Lift Anchor. The two-piece design snaps together around the head of the anchor to securely grasp the anchor. Tabs on the recess plug provide a convenient method to nail the assembly to the form. Built-in retainers allow a P59 Shear Bar to clip to the recess plug and be held in correct position. The P54 Recess Plug is designed to properly position the anchor below the surface of the concrete. This allows easy patching of the recess and prevents surface staining from exposed steel.
Product Code Description {{vm.msrpHeading}} {{vm.userPriceHeading}} Sold In Quantity
60725 2 TON SWL - 2 TON SWL; SOLD IN 50 PARTS PER BAG Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('60725') | currency }}
Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('60725') | currency }} / SET Log In Call for price {{ vm.getUserPrice('60725') | currency:"$":3 }} 1 set increments
60728 4 TON SWL - 4 TON SWL; SOLD IN 50 PARTS PER BAG Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('60728') | currency }}
Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('60728') | currency }} / SET Log In Call for price {{ vm.getUserPrice('60728') | currency:"$":3 }} 1 set increments
101741 8 TON SWL - 8 TON SWL; SOLD IN 25 PARTS PER BAG Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('101741') | currency }}
Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('101741') | currency }} / SET Log In Call for price {{ vm.getUserPrice('101741') | currency:"$":3 }} 1 set increments
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