P52W - Swift Lift® Anchor


The P52W Swift Lift Anchors are the shortest 4-ton Swift Lift Anchors available and have been specially modified. A Type W Plain Washer is placed on the anchor's foot and welded in position. This modification has been made in order to increase the Safe Working Load of these short Swift Lift Anchors in thin precast concrete elements.
Product Code Description {{vm.msrpHeading}} {{vm.userPriceHeading}} Sold In Quantity
60624 3/4" X 3-3/4" - 4 TON SWL; SOLD IN 200 PARTS PER DRUM Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('60624') | currency }}
Call for price {{ vm.getListPrice('60624') | currency }} / EACH Log In Call for price {{ vm.getUserPrice('60624') | currency:"$":3 }} 1 each increments
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