F11 and F12 - Hanger Insert and Hanger Hook


One of the more economical and effective devices for providing points of anchorage for suspended ceilings is the hanger insert that can be fastened to a beam soffit by nailing or taping. The metal shell provides a cavity and the wire clip provides the anchorage for the attachment of ceiling suspension wires. If preferred, the Hanger Hook provides a simple method for the attachment of perforated metal hanger straps that can be used for the support of pipe, conduit, etc. Both insert and hook are fabricated from galvanized material. The F12 Hanger Hook is available with 9/32" or 13/32" holes.

The F11 Hanger Insert and the F12 Hanger Hook are made to order products only. Please call for lead timing, pricing, and availability. 
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